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During the welding process, the two metal pieces being joined are subject to extreme temperatures and can cause the crystalline structure of the metal to pass through various metallurgical phases. As a result, hardening and embrittlement of the metal can occur to varying degrees (usually dependent on carbon content). Heat treatment is designed to reduce the hardness in the heat affected zone of the metals and also increase ductility in these sections.

Local Post weld heat treatment for carbon steel and alloy steel piping welds P22, P91, P11…by means of the electrical resistance method and up to 1000 c. degree, in the form of ceramic heater pads and by using electricity as source of heating for stress relieving of weld joints offered by AL ASAS.

Calibrated machines and qualified operators who are experienced in providing various heat treatment services, on-site include pipework, welded fabrications, and small pressure vessels offered by AL ASAS.

All heat treatment services are designed to minimize downtime, improve structural integrity, and enhance effective plant life.